We've made it non-technical and easy to digest. Equip yourself with the know-how needed to defend yourself against bad websites
You're thinking about creating a website, but you have no idea where to begin.
You're probably considering two options: doing it yourself or getting an expert to do it for you.
Here's a problem with both options: you don't know what you don't know.
Simply put — even if you hire an expert, how do you know that you're getting the real deal?
These are actual web design issues affecting real business owners — yet half the time, they don't even know something's wrong!
This is why we've created a simple course to bring you up to speed:
6 Mistakes Small Business Websites Make
The course is created specifically with small businesses in mind, but anyone will find it a useful lesson.
We've made it as simple as possible without sacrificing the information and knowledge that you need to know before creating a website. No geek-speak or code — just simple plain English with a few stories and examples thrown in (we'll get to poke fun at other websites!).
If you've ever wondered what makes a website slow, what on earth is mobile optimisation and how it roughly works, or even what types of websites there are, then this course is for you. If you want to protect yourself against shady experts or shoddy websites, this course was made for your benefit.
Sign up here — it's free.
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